Liesbeth Piena (Waalre,1993) is a Dutch painter. Living and working in Arnhem.
“There is great clarity as well as a push and pull between fore- and background, between flatness and depth, between recognition and abstraction. A point of interest in Piena’s paintings is the moment where a motif loses its straightforwardness and instead becomes open to different readings. To reach this stage, the motif has been moed around, reshaped, inverted, or extended, until there is a constellation that has both balance and ambivalence.” – Jurriaan Benschop
2015 - 2018 | Ba Fine Art (cum laude), AKI ArtEZ, Enschede |
2017 | Fine Art, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver |
2012 - 2015 | Ba Graphic Design (unfinished), ArtEZ, Arnhem |
2021 | Stipendium for emerging artists, Mondriaan Fund |
2020 | Sieger White Award |
2019 | Sluijters Prijs |
2018 | HeArtfund |
2018 | Buning Brongers (nomination) |
2017 | Holland Scholarship |
2022 | Tropical Scenery, Dudok, Rotterdam |
2021 | A Colour Has Many Layers, Sieger White Award book presentation, Mini Galerie |
2019 | Hortus Colorum, Heartgallery, Hengelo |
KunstRAI, Sluijters Prijs, Amsterdam | |
Galerie Joghem, Sanquin, Amsterdam | |
De Weemhof, Borculo | |
2022 | Presented by Mini Galerie, Kevin, Eindhoven |
2022 | Showcase IV, ACEC, Apeldoorn |
2021 | How to Bring a Blush to the Snow, Plaatsmaken, Arnhem |
Mini Salon, Mini Galerie, Amsterdam | |
Dutch Design Week, Mini Galerie, Eindhoven | |
Rondom Thijs Segers, HeArtGallery, Hengelo | |
Art Rotterdam, Mini Galerie | |
2020 | Paradisia, Mini Galerie, Amsterdam |
Summer Show, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
Aanwinsten 2018-2019, Galerie LUMC, Leiden | |
2019 | Taking Root, Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf |
Art on Paper, Westergas, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
Fresh Windows, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
MOAM Generation '19, LAB111, Amsterdam | |
2018 | VERS, Galerie Jansen & Kooy, Warnsveld |
Sprouts Young Talents, SBK, Amsterdam | |
HeArtSale, HeArtGallery, Hengelo | |
Menzis Jong Talent, Menzis, Enschede | |
ArtEZ Finals 2018, AKI, Enschede | |
2017 | Painting on Painting, Emily Carr, Vancouver |
2016 | Escape, Maand van de grafiek, AKI, Enschede |
ASR | |
DELA | |
LUMC | |
Menzis | |
Sanquin | |
VUmc | |
Ministerie VWS | |
2022 | Interview (EN) Liesbeth Piena at Studio Bosk, Mini Galerie |
2021 | A Colour Has Many Layers. Liesbeth Piena |
2021 | Nieuwe Veluwe, 4/2021 Winter |
WOHN!DESIGN, 4/2021 Juli/August | |
Blog (NL)/ (EN): Entrepreneur of the Month, ArtEZ | |
2020 | Interview (EN): Liesbeth Piena wins Sieger White Award, Mini Galerie |
Persbericht (NL): Sieger White Award voor beeldend kunstenaar Liesbeth Piena, Cultuurfonds | |
2019 | De grote Nederlandse kunstkalender 2020 |
Katalog (EN) Taking Root, Kunst im Tunnel | |
Een overzicht van de vijfde 100 aanwinsten voor de kunstcollectie van DELA, Boek | |
The Fine Art Collective, Report 2 (NL) | |
kM nr. 11 - Edith Rijnja | |
Twentelife magazine -Herfstnr. - Feya Wouda | |
Publicatie (NL) 'Liesbeth Piena - Schilder - Heartfund 2018-2019', Stichting Heartpool | |
Juryrapport Sluijters Prijs | |
Kunst van Enschede, Hart van Enschede | |
2018 | The Fine Art Collective, Student Report 1 (NL) |
2019 | Jet van der Sluis, Subliem geschilderd |
2019 | Jurriaan Benschop, Taking Root |
Liesbeth Piena (Waalre,1993) is a Dutch painter. Living and working in Arnhem.
“There is great clarity as well as a push and pull between fore- and background, between flatness and depth, between recognition and abstraction. A point of interest in Piena’s paintings is the moment where a motif loses its straightforwardness and instead becomes open to different readings. To reach this stage, the motif has been moed around, reshaped, inverted, or extended, until there is a constellation that has both balance and ambivalence.” – Jurriaan Benschop
2015 - 2018 | Ba Fine Art (cum laude), AKI ArtEZ, Enschede |
2017 | Fine Art, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver |
2012 - 2015 | Ba Graphic Design (unfinished), ArtEZ, Arnhem |
2021 | Stipendium for emerging artists, Mondriaan Fund |
2020 | Sieger White Award |
2019 | Sluijters Prijs |
2018 | HeArtfund |
2018 | Buning Brongers (nomination) |
2017 | Holland Scholarship |
2022 | Tropical Scenery, Dudok, Rotterdam |
2021 | A Colour Has Many Layers, Sieger White Award book presentation, Mini Galerie |
2019 | Hortus Colorum, Heartgallery, Hengelo |
KunstRAI, Sluijters Prijs, Amsterdam | |
Galerie Joghem, Sanquin, Amsterdam | |
De Weemhof, Borculo | |
2022 | Presented by Mini Galerie, Kevin, Eindhoven |
2022 | Showcase IV, ACEC, Apeldoorn |
2021 | How to Bring a Blush to the Snow, Plaatsmaken, Arnhem |
Mini Salon, Mini Galerie, Amsterdam | |
Dutch Design Week, Mini Galerie, Eindhoven | |
Rondom Thijs Segers, HeArtGallery, Hengelo | |
Art Rotterdam, Mini Galerie | |
2020 | Paradisia, Mini Galerie, Amsterdam |
Summer Show, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
Aanwinsten 2018-2019, Galerie LUMC, Leiden | |
2019 | Taking Root, Kunst im Tunnel, Düsseldorf |
Art on Paper, Westergas, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
Fresh Windows, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam | |
MOAM Generation '19, LAB111, Amsterdam | |
2018 | VERS, Galerie Jansen & Kooy, Warnsveld |
Sprouts Young Talents, SBK, Amsterdam | |
HeArtSale, HeArtGallery, Hengelo | |
Menzis Jong Talent, Menzis, Enschede | |
ArtEZ Finals 2018, AKI, Enschede | |
2017 | Painting on Painting, Emily Carr, Vancouver |
2016 | Escape, Maand van de grafiek, AKI, Enschede |
ASR | |
DELA | |
LUMC | |
Menzis | |
Sanquin | |
VUmc | |
Ministerie VWS | |
2022 | Interview (EN) Liesbeth Piena at Studio Bosk, Mini Galerie |
2021 | A Colour Has Many Layers. Liesbeth Piena |
2021 | Nieuwe Veluwe, 4/2021 Winter |
WOHN!DESIGN, 4/2021 Juli/August | |
Blog (NL)/ (EN): Entrepreneur of the Month, ArtEZ | |
2020 | Interview (EN): Liesbeth Piena wins Sieger White Award, Mini Galerie |
Persbericht (NL): Sieger White Award voor beeldend kunstenaar Liesbeth Piena, Cultuurfonds | |
2019 | De grote Nederlandse kunstkalender 2020 |
Katalog (EN) Taking Root, Kunst im Tunnel | |
Een overzicht van de vijfde 100 aanwinsten voor de kunstcollectie van DELA, Boek | |
The Fine Art Collective, Report 2 (NL) | |
kM nr. 11 - Edith Rijnja | |
Twentelife magazine -Herfstnr. - Feya Wouda | |
Publicatie (NL) 'Liesbeth Piena - Schilder - Heartfund 2018-2019', Stichting Heartpool | |
Juryrapport Sluijters Prijs | |
Kunst van Enschede, Hart van Enschede | |
2018 | The Fine Art Collective, Student Report 1 (NL) |
2019 | Jet van der Sluis, Subliem geschilderd |
2019 | Jurriaan Benschop, Taking Root |